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Disney World Turns 50

or “How I Got Ahead(Wound) in Show Business!” Disney World in Orlando, Florida celebrated a milestone on October 1, 2021 when it commemorated 50 years since it’s opening day. Because no one asked, here’s my contribution to the discussion.  In 1991, I had just graduated college and I was back in Orlando, trying to jump…

We all get the Keanu we deserve.

Keanu Reeves is surfing the zeitgeist in a major way these days. I hadn’t paid much attention to the guy beyond his occasional action movie success (Point Break, Speed) but recently he’s ascended to the level of a pop culture deity. Don’t get me wrong. I really like the guy. But I think this recent…

REVIEW: “Cruella” is everything, y’all…or maybe it’s not?

I got a new phone recently so I gave my 11 year old my old one. My wife and I discussed all kinds of reasons pro and con for our child to join the cult of the telecommunicated. In the end, we decided our need for a digital tether was more important than any fears…

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